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VESPA Shirogorov Neon style full titanium gentleman folder

Poluchetkiy & VESPA Neon Pros: - excellent fit and finish - titanium frame lock with steel insert and hidden lockbar limiter - solid ea...

Shirogorov Tabargan 95 style folder with axis-lock

Pros: - excellent fit and finish - solid lock-up - smooth opening - centered full flat ground blade for excellent slicing performance - comf...

New Enlan EL01 with damascus blade

New exclusive Enlan EL01D with damascus blade You can buy it at Fasttech: ***HERE*** HERE is my full review about the renown EL01.

Decepticon 1 - budget version with steel handle

Impressive unique design Pros: - perfect fit and finish in every detail - rock solid early lock-up - hidden blade stop pin - excellent flipp...